In this letter: Praise and intercession Catholic Cathedral Stockholm 22 February, Events in Rome during the jubilee year 2025, Lillemor Hallin's book on spiritual renewal and local ecumenism during a few lively decades in new edition.
Prayer and praise in Catholic cathedral Stockholm Febr 22
February 22 Catholic Cathedral in Stockholm 14.00: Worship with charismatic groups in the Stockholm region. Led by Deacon Pancho Chin A Loi. Intercession, sacramental adoration. Ends with Vigil Mass (English) at 17.00. We pray that this Jubilee year the Lord would by His grace send a new fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us and the whole Church.

CHARIS activities in Rome during the Jubilee Year 2025.
Two meetings will take place in Rome at the end of March-April. Common to both includes passage through the Holy Gate in St. Peter's Basilica and a papal audience.
Training in Prophetic Intercession Rome 31 March – 4 April 2025. This course is a foundational training in prophetic intercessory prayer and is open to anyone who wants to learn more about intercessory prayer and grow in it. [More information and registration via this link]
International meeting of prayer groups April 4-6: Joyful witnesses of hope (Rom. 12:12). An extraordinary gathering of believers from all over the world united in prayer, worship, and renewal. Prayer groups and individuals are invited to be renewed in their spiritual lives, experience the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, and deepen their commitment to mission and evangelism. [More information and registration via this link]
Lillemor Hallin's book on spiritual renewal and local ecumenism
Lillemor Hallins book about the local ecumenism in Danderyd and Täby during some very active and vibrant decades at the end of the 1900s has been published in a second edition. It is a source of inspiration for those of us who work in God's vineyard today and who want to see a cooperative Christianity that truly leaves an imprint and bears witness to the power of the Gospel to transform and renew human community. Pentecostal charismatic renewal has through no fault of its own sometimes gotten a bad reputation due to certain groups becoming elitist and self-aggrandizing and it is only the aberrations you hear about while health is silent. But the life of the Holy Spirit with personal conversion and an openness to the charismatic gifts belongs to basics in Christian life, and the book describes how it can work in everyday life when it is at its best.

From the foreword by Cardinal Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm:
"Since ecumenism is something that belongs to the essence of the Church, no one who wants to be a Christian can just shrug their shoulders and ignore ecumenism... By baptism all belong to Christ. The will of Christ is to save all people. Every Christian is called to embrace this basic attitude of openness to his brothers and sisters in various churches and denominations. One who has really understood this is Lillemor Hallin. In this book, we follow the path towards an ever greater and deeper unity that she has walked together with other Christians from Danderyd and Täby. Here we see how important it is that all ecumenism is locally rooted at the grassroots level. Ecumenism is not just something for theological experts. All baptized people can live and work ecumenically in one way or another.
In another context, Lillemor has described how she was bullied as a child because she was Catholic. This has not made her bitter but, on the contrary, spurred her on to work for a deeper all-Christian unity in the place where she herself suffered for her membership of the Catholic Church. In her immediate environment, she seeks to build a genuine Christian community in prayer and action together with like-minded people of different backgrounds: ora et labora. As so often, we see that it is on the level of spirituality and social commitment that Christians can most easily find each other and make ecumenism visible and audible...
We must look at this book as a textbook of local ecumenism on the basis that baptism gives us. It is my hope and prayer that Lillemor's and her friends' experience will help many to try to find a deeper ecumenical community – in prayer and action – right where they live and work."
(Right now, a project is underway with a reissue of all Lillemor Hallin's books in paper and e-book editions. More information on this will come.)
/Bengt Malmgren Coordinator CHARIS Norden
